European Languages Day 2019

This year children and staff at Chapelford celebrated European Day of Languages by linking French to other areas of the curriculum. We wanted to see what we could do with the vocabulary that we already knew such as numbers, colours and parts of the body. We started the day off with thinking about and discussing why we celebrate European Day of Languages. Did you know that English is not the most common language spoken in the world? Do you know what is? We got into our house teams and participated in an exciting Who Wants to be a Millionaire quiz where we found out the answer to lots of different questions. Have a go by following the link below!
Intro and Quiz
As a school, we took part in singing, Maths activities, baking and learning lots of new ways to say hello.... as well as having lots of fun!
EYFS practised saying hello in different languages such as French, Spanish and German!
Year 2 linked French to our Harvest festival. They baked their harvest cookies in a French theme and performed a song using French colours.
Year 3 sang Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.... in French!
Year 4 answered the register whilst going swimming as if they were French.
Year 5 wrote instructions on how to bake their Harvest showstopper cake and tried to translate this into French.
Year 6 attempted their 4 a day with a twist....all the numbers were written in French!
As you can tell from our Pupil Voice, we had an amazing day and we can't wait to learn more throughout the year!