As a school, we have adopted the High Performance Learning framework (HPL) and have worked to align this with our school values in order to reflect the context and culture of our school whilst making the most of contemporary thinking in learning and teaching.

At the heart of our school are a set of core values under the Chapelford framework, some of which are values adopted from the High-Performance Learning framework:

  • Collaborative (HPL)
  • Helpful
  • Aspirations
  • Perseverance (HPL)
  • Enterprising (HPL)
  • Listening
  • Fearless
  • Open-minded (HPL)
  • Resilience (HPL) 
  • Dynamic

These unique values build on our school ethos to 'Learn, Achieve and Respect' and underpin all aspects of our curriculum and school life. In line with this, each half term we celebrate an aspect of our school ethos, which link directly to our core values above. This gives the children the chance to explore and learn more about each value through an assembly, which is then revisited throughout the week within classrooms. Our core values also link directly to our reward system, which gives the children the opportunity to be recognised for demonstrating them with the reward of earning class dojos and achieving a values certificate each week in our celebration assembly.  

In addition to this, our Character Curriculum, called Commando Joe, provides children with essential life skills and character skills; providing children with the foundations to achieve, be resilient and make great choices for life- inside and outside of school. Commando Joe is delivered at least once a half term to the children and is a chance for children to personally develop, as well as reviewing the progression of the High Performance Learning values.

As part of the school's ambitious journey to becoming a High-Performance Learning school, we encourage you to loan this book from our school office to read, which shows how you can grow the minds of your children and guide them to success both in school and in life.