Wrap Around Care
At Chapelford Village we are extremely fortunate to have a number of Wrap Around Care providers available onsite.
Take a look at the sections below to get more information and find a provider that is right for you and your family.
We are extremely proud of our own before and after school offer for families to relieve the pressures of busy lives and support home learning. Our Learning Club sessions are run by school staff, are completely free of charge and children can access on an adhoc basis. The morning session is available from 8:15amand the after-school session is available from the end of the school day until 4pm. Pupils can complete home learning, read with a member of staff and access many online learning platforms to further develop their skills across the curriculum.
To support a smooth transition into school our classroom doors open at 8:40am with registration at 8:45am. The school day ends at 3:15pm and children can be collected from their classroom doors at this time, alternatively they can attend one of our many after school clubs.
Our phenomenal offer of extra-curricular clubs are wide-ranging and build on the arising interests which children express. We offer over 20 clubs on a weekly basis which range from sports such as netball, football, gymnastics and athletics to art, eco, design, science, computing and coding, Lego and even a debating club. We encourage all children to try extra-curricular clubs and many of these can lead to lifelong interests and hobbies beyond school life.
For further information please click on the following link After School Clubs
Footprints in the Forest
Footprints in the Forest provide fun and exciting childcare after school and holiday clubs. Children are collected from their classrooms and love the freedom that forest school provides. Footprints in the Forest is situated in a small forest on the school grounds and is run by a qualified teacher. Childcare is offered after school until 6pm or a shorter session until 4:30pm.
Some children don't need childcare but they attend because they love it so much. Holiday clubs are run 8am-6pm and welcome all children aged 3 and above.
Children can choose to be active outdoors in the forest or can choose a homely feel inside the cosy cabin. The mud will wash off, but they memories will stay forever.
Please email footprintsintheforest.fs@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Let's Be Kids provides care before an and after school, from 7:30am until 6pm. They also offer holiday club care 51 weeks per year, from 8am-6pm.
They are a play setting, where children are encouraged to have fun with friends. They are a screen free environment and believe in the children's right to play and be children for longer.
Let's Be Kids encourages lots of outdoor play, because they know that is important for health and wellbeing, as well as physical development. They do lots of making and creating with crafts, baking and playing games.
For breakfast and after school club, our Reception and Key Stage 1 children attend Let's Be Kids in the building next to school that also operates as Chapelford Village Nursery. Key Stage 2 children attend Let's Be Kids in the Community Hall of Chapelford Village primary School.
For further details visit the website at Let's Be Kids