English as an additional language (EAL)
At Chapelford Village we have a diverse range of families and 22 different languages are spoken through the school. We want to use our website to provide a wealth of information and resources to support both pupils and families to learn to speak English.
Alongside this, as part of our commitment to celebrating and embracing the diversity of our school we want to celebrate and learn even more about the cultures through our school. Parental contribution and communication with the school is a valuable tool, and we have a number of ways parents can get involved including our PTA - ChaPTA and our parents forum. If you would like more information about these please email sbm@chapelfordvillageprimary.co.uk
To view our Policies please click on here EAL
On this page you will find a range of interactive links and printable resources to support your child in continuing their English learning at home.
Twinkl - Free EAL resource pack
Learning Village - Free printable resources
Flash Academy - Free home learning resources
The EAL Academy - Free Resources
British Council - Learn English Kids games
World Stories - Sharing stories in multiple languages
The Bell Foundation have also released some Parental Involvement guidance that can be found and downloaded in a number of languages here.
On this page you will find links for local support and resources for adults looking to learn English as an additional language:
Local Support
Warrington Borough Council - Support for Hong Kong British Nationals
Hong Kong Well UK - A guide to settling in the UK
Hong Kongers in Britain - information for families from Hong Kong with BNO visas
Warrington Ethnic Communities Association (WECA)
Northwest Regional Strategic Migration Partnership (RSMP) - Home Office funded organisation hosted by Manchester City Council.
BOLOH - Barnardos BAME helpline
Polish Centre for Education and Culture Warrington - support for Polish Nationals in Warrington
Learning to speak English
BBC Skillswise - English for Adults
Barclays - Life skills for families
Linguapress - learn English grammar
English Page - Online English lessons
EFLnet - free English Learning Resources for adults