Crosby Hall Residential - Year 2

Year 2 had a fantastic time on their first residential to Crosby Hall!
They participated in lots of exciting activities that they all thoroughly enjoyed. The children enjoyed the opportunity to get creative and made their own pottery owls. They also completed an orienteering course, built dens and toasted marshmallows! The children also went on an evening adventure to find a 400 year old church in the dark! This was a thrilling experience as they explored and learned about the history of the church and different parts of the building. For some children this was their first night away from home but everyone slept well, made their beds in the morning and kept their rooms tidy! Mrs Farrar, Miss Garty and Mrs Grice were so impressed with the children's behaviour on the trip and they were excellent ambassadors for Chapelford Village Primary School. The trip was a great success and they returned to school with big smiles on their faces. Well done Year 2!