Clubs & Competitions have begun!

Say hello to Miss Searle!
We are pleased to share that we have a new addition to the CVPS team. Miss Searle has joined the staff as a Sports Apprentice. She is currently based in Year 2 but will be out and about around school supporting PE sessions in different year groups, going on competitions with Mr Capper, leading some team games during OPAL lunch times and running after-school clubs. Miss Searle is a wonderful addition to the team with lots of enthusiasm and has thoroughly enjoyed her first week with us. If you see her around school, please say hello!
After-School Clubs
We are thrilled to share that after-school clubs have now started, and we’ve already seen so many children enjoying a wonderful range of activities! We are incredibly proud of the clubs we offer, and it’s been heartwarming to watch our children engage in such a wide variety of experiences. Many children love attending clubs run by our own dedicated teaching assistants, which not only allow them to explore new interests but also give them the opportunity to meet and interact with children from different year groups. This term, EYFS children have the opportunity to sign up for an after-school club. We believe this is a great way for them to extend their school day, meet new friends, and enjoy activities such as dance fitness, playing games or building with Lego. There are still some limited spaces available in a few of our clubs. If you would like your child to attend one, please check the ParentShop to view the options available.
Our teaching assistants work hard to plan these clubs, ensuring that each one helps children develop different skills, involves fun and varied activities, and promotes confidence—all while having lots of fun!
This week, children around school have been:
- Singing their hearts out to musicals like Wicked and The Greatest Showman in Karaoke Club with Miss Rowe.
- Dancing and burning off lots of energy with Mrs Hadley in Dance Club.
- Making their own personalised and decorated mini drums with Miss Cheung in Art and Craft Club.
- Creating delicious treats using meringue in Food Technology Club with Miss Griffiths.
- Letting their imaginations run wild in Creative Writing with Miss Hutchinson.
As well as running clubs with our own members of staff, we like to make links with external providers to further enhance our provision using specialist coaches. We’re excited to be working alongside First Kick Football this term, who are running two football clubs for EYFS and Years 1 to 3. Coach Aaron and Coach Luke were very impressed with our EYFS children after their very first football session on Monday and had nothing but praise for their enthusiasm and teamwork!
Premier League Primary Stars Update
What an incredible day for the Year 5 and 6 boys who participated in the Premier League Primary Stars competition! They played 8 matches at the Liverpool Academy during Wednesday’s qualifier, remaining unbeaten with 7 wins and 1 draw. We are extremely proud to announce that they have earned a place in the Regional Final!
To make the day even more special, the Premier League were in attendance, filming the action. We’re hopeful that we may find some media coverage soon, so stay tuned and please share if you find any! As an added treat, the boys got the chance to pose for pictures with the prestigious Premier League trophy – a perfect way to inspire them as they continue their journey toward victory!
Congratulations to all the players – bring on the Regional Final!