“Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.”

(Jawaharlal Nehru)

Religious Education offers rich experiences with opportunities for our children to develop their own beliefs, values and ideals. We sensitively study and explore world religions and foster a respect for all people, their beliefs, cultures and lifestyles through the Lancashire Scheme of Work (Warrington agreed syllabus). Through the uses of distinctive language, listening and empathy, RE develops pupils' skills of enquiry and response. RE encourages pupils to reflect on, analyse and evaluate their beliefs, values and practices and communicate their responses. RE does not seek to urge religious beliefs on pupils by promoting one religion over another.

Our Curriculum Statement outlines our INTENT, how we will IMPLEMENT our curriculum and what IMPACT this will have on our Theologists at Chapelford Village Primary School.

What is the principle aim for RE in Lancashire?

'To support pupils' personal search for meaning by engaging enquiry into the question "what is it to be human?" - exploring answers offered by religion and belief.'

How does this syllabus address pupils’ needs?

This Agreed Syllabus seeks to support children and young people in reflecting upon, developing and affirming their own beliefs, values and attitudes through the exploration of shared human experience and of the place and significance of religion in the contemporary world.

Religious Education Documents

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Click on the National Curriculum image for the National Curriculum programme of study for Religious Education.

Collective Worship at Chapelford Village Primary School pays due regard to statutory requirements. Our daily act of collective worship is focused around our core value of the month, and aims to:

  • Allows children to reflect on the values of the school and consider their importance;
  • Foster a sense of community in the school;
  • Shape our approach to others;
  • Consider and reflect on common issues, concerns or interests;
  • Help children explore their own as well as other’s beliefs.

Collective Worship can be done in assembly time or within the classroom, through either sharing a text or poem with the children, a prayer or circle time, allowing the children to discuss and reflect on themselves and others around them.

Our School Values can be found here.


"I enjoy learning about what other people believe in the world and learning about what is important to them."

"I like my RE lessons because we get to learn what others think but we also get to share our ideas and think about what is important in our lives."

"RE is good because we get to do lots of fun activities like looking after jelly babies to learn about vulnerability or eating Easter eggs to learn about Jesus being resurrected."