Learning Clubs

Chapelford Village Primary school is committed to providing its students with a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom.
We offer 'Learning clubs' Monday-Thursday both before and after school. These clubs give students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of existing topics and further develop new skills. These clubs are divided into KS1 and KS2 to further target their learning.
Children have access to an iPad and can log onto a wide variety of apps such as Reading Eggs and Purple Mash. By using iPads loaded with the Reading Eggs app, students are able to engage in interactive and immersive learning experiences that are both fun and effective. This not only helps to improve their reading skills, but also enhances their overall learning experience. Some learning clubs are supported by Miss Tsang to support children with English as an additional language where they play a variety of games focused on speaking and listening. The school's commitment to providing high-quality IT equipment as part of their learning clubs is just one way that we are ensuring our students have the tools they need to succeed.
Our learning clubs run on Monday-Thursdays:
AM: 8:15am - start of the school day.
PM: End of the school day - 4:00pm
If you are interested in your child attending and have some questions please liaise with your child's class teacher or speak to the Office Team.