What’s happening in school next week?

I think most of you would all agree that this academic year has absolutely flown by. It doesn’t seem long ago at all that we were reopening the doors to school back in September and welcoming in all of our children again ready for a new year of learning. It has been a busy year with some notable changes to school including new buildings and playground developments and exciting learning opportunities for all children including residential visits, trips, visitors to school and much more - this half term in particular has been jam packed with different events and activities! As always, our children have been incredible throughout; their dedication to their learning and the way in which they demonstrate our Chapelford values makes us so proud.
As we approach the end of the academic year, the children will be completing some activities linked to transition. We know that leaving one year group and starting another is a huge change and we recognise that some children need more time and support to adapt. Next week, children will be meeting their new teacher and spending some time in their new group. At Chapelford, the teachers work hard to plan the transition days and will ensure children have the time to discuss any worries, produce some work to go in their new classroom and ask any questions they have. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s transition into their new year group, please speak to your child’s class teacher. All parents have been invited to have an end-of-year review with the teachers as we hold the final Parents Evening of the year on Monday the 1st July and Wednesday the 3rd. Please ensure you have booked an appointment so that your child’s class teacher can celebrate their success with you.