Chapelford's Sports Day was a thrilling event, with the children representing their houses and competing in various races, including the Egg and Spoon, Sack, Obstacle Course, Ball skills, and sprint races. The competition concluded with a relay race featuring four children from each house, representing every class. The scores were so close at this point - you could feel the tension in the air! The crowd was electric as the houses cheered each other on, with Mr. Capper, Miss Webb, and Mrs. Ogden awarding bonus points for sportsmanship and collaboration.

On Tuesday, the competition was fierce, with the four house teams neck and neck. However, the atmosphere was filled with encouragement and support as the students gave their all. On Wednesday, the weather was perfect for sports, and Years 1-2 took to the field, competing in all the same races as before. They truly shone, earning more points towards the overall scores. The EYFS classes also impressed with their performances in new events such as the bouncy hopper race and bean bag balance.

It was wonderful to see how much fun the EYFS children had at their first-ever Chapelford Sports Day. All of our pupils did extremely well, and we are proud of their individual successes and teamwork. We know that some children may have felt nervous about participating, but it was a huge achievement to put themselves forward. We would also like to thank parents, carers and other members of the school community who came on the day to cheer on the children. 

In the end, there could only be one winner. After tallying up the scores, we are pleased to announce St. Patrick's as our 2024 Sports Day Champions! We have to share that it was incredibly close and that there were only TEN points between St. Patrick's and St David's. A massive well done to our runners-up and you never know... it could be your year next time!