The children of Chapelford Primary School came together to celebrate European Day of Languages on Thursday the 26th September. This is an annual event dedicated to embracing diversity and exploring different cultures globally and within our school community. The event saw children across the school participating in various activities to learn about languages and traditions from around the globe.

In Key Stage One, the focus was on learning some French, which is the Modern Foreign Language studied here at Chapelford. Children engaged in learning basic French phrases, such as counting, greetings, through songs and rhymes and even responded to the register in French. 

Key Stage Two classes were each assigned a different language to delve into. Teachers planned engaging activities and lessons based on the chosen languages, allowing the children to explore the different countries and their traditions. From Spanish to German, the children embraced the opportunity to broaden their horizons. Our Year 6 children thoroughly enjoyed finding out more about Poland. They explored the history of the country as well as learning some key phrases. Mrs Tickle said, "They have found this interesting as it links closely to their English book, Star of Fear, Star of Hope, which is a booked set in World War Two." Our younger learners in Year 3 challenged themselves to learning some Spanish words and phrases and even performed a tongue twister about a coconut and a hippopotamus! 

At Chapelford, fostering a sense of unity and inclusivity is at the core of our values. As a school community, we take pride in celebrating diversity and promoting cultural awareness. The European Day of Languages provided yet another platform for our children to expand their knowledge, embrace different cultures, and further develop their concern for society with a global perspective. Mrs Matthews, our MFL lead, said, "By participating in the celebration, the children have gained a deeper understanding of the world beyond their immediate surroundings, fostering a spirit of curiosity and respect for other cultures."

We are proud to be a welcoming environment that embraces the diversity of our community.