A message from our Head Boy and Head Girl

Dear parents and children of Chapelford,
As the Head Boy and Head Girl of Chapelford Primary, we wanted to share some exciting news about our end-of-term House Team treat. As you know, the winning House for this term earned the most House points, and we are thrilled to say it was a fun-filled day of celebration for everyone involved!
St. Andrews emerged victorious as we counted up each team's house points. As a reward for their hard work, their special treat was a Santa’s Workshop, where they got to complete several Christmas-themed activities. The day was filled with creativity and joy as we decorated wooden baubles, built colourful Christmas creations using popsicle sticks, drank delicious hot chocolate, made delicate paper snowflakes, and – everyone’s favourite – decorated biscuits! It was an amazing day and everyone who took part really enjoyed themselves. The amount of space needed to fit almost a quarter of the school was definitely a challenge, but they made it work, and we had the most magical time!
Now, you might be wondering how to earn House Points to be part of the next exciting treat. At Chapelford, we believe that House points are a way to celebrate the values we all work hard to follow. These values are closely linked to being a High Performance Learner, and you can earn House Points by demonstrating these values around school. Whether it’s showing helpfulness, respect, resilience, or teamwork, every positive action can earn you points.
The teachers are always on the lookout for those who are being excellent role models. You can earn House points anywhere – in class, on the playground, or even in the corridors! In addition to everyday actions, there are also seasonal competitions like Sports Day and the Pumpkin Contest, where extra House points are up for grabs.
If I were you, I’d make sure to collect as many House points as possible! The totals were incredibly close this time, showing just how important each house point is. You don’t want to miss out on the next end-of-term treat, and who knows what amazing fun we’ll have next time!
Thank you for your continued support.
Wishing you all a wonderful end to the term and a Merry Christmas!
Yours sincerely,
Head Boy and Head Girl