We have had an exciting week here at Chapelford, with two fantastic residential trips taking place that have given our children the opportunity to learn, grow, and create unforgettable memories!

Year 3 - Tatton Hall Residential

Our Year 3 children from Class 10 had an amazing time on their second-ever residential trip to Tatton Hall! The trip started with a visit to the Ice Cream Farm, where the children had a fantastic time exploring a range of activities. They played on sand and water equipment and even tried their hand at rock climbing! One of the highlights was the Gemstone Cove, where the children sifted through sand to find colourful gems, which they were able to take home in little bags. Of course, no visit to the farm would be complete without a delicious ice cream treat!

Once they arrived at Tatton Hall, the children got straight into their activities. They made origami ice cream cones and participated in team games. The children were split into four groups, each aiming to demonstrate our Chapelford values and earn points from the teachers. There were plenty of prizes awarded throughout the evening! The next day, the children put their Geography skills to the test with orienteering and pond dipping activities. They used maps to crack codes and even discovered a newt in the pond!

It was wonderful to see our Year 3 children having so much fun while learning outside the classroom. Their enthusiasm and positive behaviour made us incredibly proud!

Year 4 - PGL Residential

Meanwhile, our Year 4 children had their own exciting adventure at PGL. On Thursday morning, the entire year group set off for this action-packed trip, where they had the opportunity to try new activities such as abseiling and rock climbing. The children worked together in teams, including walking a sensory trail blindfolded, which helped them to develop their communication and teamwork skills. It was great to see the children relying on each other to navigate safely.

One of the highlights of the trip was the evening entertainment around the campfire. The children sang, danced, and enjoyed the great outdoors with their friends, making memories that will last a lifetime. Of course, no residential trip would be complete without a warm cup of hot chocolate made by the teachers!

A Huge Well Done!

At Chapelford, we are incredibly proud of the wide variety of opportunities we offer our children, including residential trips. These trips are an invaluable chance for our children to grow in confidence, learn new skills, and thrive in a different environment. We would like to say a huge well done to all the children who participated in the trips this week. Their enthusiasm, participation, and excellent behaviour as ambassadors of Chapelford made us incredibly proud.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to more exciting opportunities in the future!