What is Pupil Premium Money?

Pupil premium is additional money allocated to individual pupils by the Government. This money is linked to eligible pupils and given to the school they attend. It is distributed in addition to the school’s budget. Decisions for allocation of this money link to indicators such as Free School Meal entitlement.

For More information on Pupil Premium and eligibility please click here

How do we use our Pupil Premium Money?

We constantly strive to meet the individual needs of each pupil. We recognise that some pupils need additional support to achieve their full potential, others needs challenge and extension. We therefore use our Pupil Premium money to enable us to increase our provision of teaching assistant support, contribute towards children’s trips and residentials and purchasing resources in order to ensure that each child’s needs are fully met.

By allocating our Pupil Premium funding to three specific areas, heavily weighted on improving teaching and learning we are able to not only improve the outcomes for the disadvantaged children eligible but also the non-eligible children within our school.

Please look at the Pupil Premium Reports below for further information, including the impact of this expenditure.  

Pupil Premium

Updated: 20/12/2024 373 KB