‘Don’t think about the start of the race, think about the ending.’ - Usain Bolt

Physical Education is crucial to developing well-rounded, resilient children who strive to achieve the very best they can.

Here at Chapelford Village Primary School, we are dedicated to raising the profile and standards of PE across the school. We are committed to providing our children with an enriched curriculum which is based on: gymnastics, dance, net and wall games, invasion games, striking and fielding and athletics. The fundamental skills of PE are delivered through the use of the REAL PE scheme and skills are progressive throughout the children’s learning journey.

Every pupil has the opportunity to participate in a fun, challenging and rewarding learning environment where pupils are encouraged to express themselves through physical activity. All children have at least 2 hours of PE a week. We are fortunate enough to have the use of outdoor and indoor space to conduct high quality PE lessons utilising a vast range of sporting equipment.

Our Curriculum Statement outlines our INTENT, how we will IMPLEMENT our curriculum and what IMPACT this will have on our athletes, gymnasts and dancers at Chapelford Village Primary School.

PE Documents

Updated: 10/02/2022 167 KB
Updated: 10/02/2022 210 KB


Click on the National Curriculum image for the programme of study for Physical Education.