A Year 1 Recipe

As part of our Design Technology Curriculum, Year 1 have made crudités and a yoghurt and mint dip!
The children investigated healthy and unhealthy snacks on the market. They tasted different vegetables to see which they wanted to include and enjoyed creating their final pieces in small groups. They evaluated what they liked and spoke about any changes they would make if they were to make it again.
Here are some instructions written by some of our Year 1 children!
- Spoon
- Knife
- Chopping board
- Grater
- Your favourite vegetables!
1. You need to chop the vegetables on a chopping board. You need a sharp knife. Please be careful with your fingers!
2. Grate the cucumber. Put it on a towel to dry.
3. Open the yoghurt. Put it into a little bowl.
4. Add the cucumber.
5. Chop some mint into small pieces and add it to the dip.
4. Add a squeeze of lemon to the dip.
5. Stir the yoghurt dip and mint dip.
6. Enjoy eating your fresh crudités!