Today marks an exciting day at Chapelford Village Primary School as nominations for the school council are officially open!

Students across the school will soon be eagerly stepping forward to represent their peers and make a difference within our school community. The day will begin with speeches, prepared individually by the children themselves, where aspiring council members will passionately present their ideas and visions for the school's future. These speeches not only showcase the students' communication skills but also their ability to think critically and propose new ideas. Following the speeches, voting will commence allowing the children to exercise their democratic right firsthand.

The school council plays a vital role in the personal and professional development of our students. They learn the importance of teamwork, leadership, and effective communication - all skills that will support students of Chapelford Village Primary School to achieve in whatever career path they may choose. Being a part of our school council empowers students to take responsibility for our school environment, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability. As a result, students not only gain practical skills but also develop a strong sense of civic duty, preparing them to become responsible and engaged citizens in the future.

Miss Green is eagerly anticipating the results and will be delighted to announce the elected representatives on Thursday.

A huge congratulations to all children for taking part within this process. We are excited to see what our new school council representatives achieve.