School Council Team Announcement 2023-2024

The atmosphere was brimming with anticipation on Thursday at Chapelford Village Primary as we discovered the results of our school council elections. The whole school have thoroughly enjoyed the entire process from preparing presentations, listening to other candidate's speeches and being able to cast their own vote in their year group's voting box! "I'm absolutely thrilled to work with this new team," exclaimed Miss Green who continues to support our school council team, "It was amazing to witness their enthusiasm and excitement throughout the election process." Their dedication to making a difference in our school is both inspiring and together they will shape an even brighter future for Chapelford Village Primary.
Here are your new school council representatives for this academic year:
Y2 - Rosie, Darcey, Isla
Y3 - Evelyn, Josh, Archie, Phoebe
Y4 - Ella, Sienna, Lucy, April
Y5 - Olly, Anson, Esmee, Kian
Y6 - Holly, Fearne, Joe, Daisy