Last week was an exciting time in school; it was full of decisions and anticipation for the children in Years 2-6. They have been voting for the class member they would like to represent them in the school council.

School council is vital because it gives our pupils a voice in their educational environment, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility. By participating in the council, our children can contribute ideas, address issues, and help shape policies that impact their daily school life. This involvement not only enhances the school community but also develops essential leadership and teamwork skills, preparing students for future challenges. It can also be very interesting to hear things from a child's perspective!

On Monday, the candidates informed the class teacher that they wished to stand for council, so on Tuesday they started their campaign to convince their classmates that they were the best person for the job. The teachers all commented on the amazing presentations that were put forward, explaining how they were going to improve school life for everyone and what they would do to be their class's voice over the coming academic year.

Wednesday saw the democratic voting taking place. Children kept their vote a secret and placed it securely in the ballot boxes for their class. The results were then counted and announced in assembly on Friday. We are delighted to share with you that the elected members of council are as follows:

C7 - Daisy

C8 - Felicity

C9 - Scholastica

C10 - Ella

C11 - Will

C12 - Alfie C

C13 - Polly

C14 - Victoria 

C15 - Elodie

C16 - Charlotte

C17 - Henry

C18 - Ruby

C19 - Maanvi

 C20 - Robert

C21 - Nathan

C22 - Lily

C23 - Ana 

C24 - Bella


We would like to say a huge well done to these children and also the other candidates who put a lot of time and effort into their campaign for becoming school councillor. We think you are all amazing! Regular meetings will be held with Mrs Astley with the agenda being shared with the children in advance and minutes of the meeting available to read on our school website. We look forward to updating you on the meetings and actions of the school council team, as well as sharing their success!